The Harvest Blog!


"Do you smell that?," I asked him while I sniffed the air, "I think it is grape soda. No, I think it is bubble gum. Yeah, it is bubble gum."

I had smelled the smell so many times before, I was just having trouble placing it.

"It is grapes," he responded flatly looking at me in disbelief and then laughing.

I laughed out loud with him.


That was the beginning of my deep journey back to the earth.

Back to my intuition and my remembering of  how to heal myself.

It is so easy to get lost in a sea of convenient choices, like grape soda. They become familiar. They are comforting and easy. Plus, the kids...

What if your kids won't want anything else?

I get it!

It is easy to keep buying and doing the same things and expecting different results.

I get it.


Some days it can feel easier to go to the pharmacy than the farmer's market.

At the farmer's market the food may just rot in your fridge. What if you don't have time to cook it? Who will even eat the fennel?


The farmer's market requires more of you!

Plus, the pharmacies and the megastores have something the farmer's market doesn't: advertising dollars and access to you on every device you own. Beware! They entice, they confuse, they call to your hunger. But...

The commercials and confusing images are just clever marketing schemes. I know I have bought things that seemed so great only to bring them home and to later toss them (or bring them to the swap shop, the local shed at the transfer station you can leave or take anything you want).

Anyway, they are clever. They can evoke such feelings. They touch on your yearnings, for connection, for earth, for healing, for love. Yet, they continue to fall short. The tv, the computer, the phone are full of confusing images that tug at your heart strings.


Give into the yearnings, just not the commercials!

Truthfully, it was my own search for fulfillment, born of those heart-tugging advertisements, that led me to get on my path, this path.

Ultimately, those unmet yearnings led me to a whole new way of HARVEST NOW!

It started when I began trusting my intuition. I began seeking out teachers and mentors on my journey towards health and self love. I took my happiness in my own hands. I asked questions and sought answers. I found the answers in things close to the earth. I began to trust the earth and the healing that it provided. I learned about essential oils, natural birth, whole foods, reiki and flower essences. I found my power in the sweat lodges, teaching classes, and from parenting.

As I asked the questions and searched, I began to develop tap roots. I began to go deeper in my own life. I was drawn to the things that lifted my spirit and made me stronger.


People began to seek me out and ask questions, lots of questions!

Do you make fire cider?

Is this the chicken pox?

What if my doctor says episiotmies are routine?

Should I invite the whole class to his birthday party?

How can I tell if my water really broke?

Do you think there is hope for my partner?

As they asked me, I dug deeper to answer them. Their curiosity sparked mine and I began to learn more. I helped them to create a real connection to their food, their family, the earth, their health, and their own inner knowing.


These are the things that fulfill that yearning and take you deeper!

It is in these deeper places that you find yourself, your passion, and your highest version of yourself. I am here to listen and to see you through this maze of mixed messages.

Are you looking for a touchpoint to help you decipher what is real?

Are you searching for more meaning in your life?

Are you wanting a greater sense of health and connection?

I can help you step into your regal, sensual, nourishing Empress energy and reclaim what is naturally yours...To HARVEST NOW for yourself.

Together we will walk the path back to your throne. You will start to make life magic from your yearnings, and to eventually rule your life from a whole new foundation with Mother Earth as your guide.


I am here to love you, even during the times that you find yourself unloveable.

Together we can find out what feeds you nutritionally, emotionally and spiritually. I want you to feel full with yourself and your life. Open up to the possibilities and I will show you what I have learned.

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