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Wisdom of the Earth is hosting another SALE this weekend.
Please let me know if you would like to order any of the items below by Sunday 10/27/24 at noon!
All items are 40% off.
There is a $12 shipping fee and $18 if you order hydrolats.
Susan Cote π
Essential Oils
β β1. Mandarin (European Tangerine) is excellent for the skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties…however, being a citrus, you should do a “test patch” on the area you are planning to treat. Or, you can put 5-7 drops in a teaspoon of seed or nut oil (see Maqui, below) and apply that to the area. Mandarin is known to reduce acne, and minimize the appearance of scars and age spots. As a digestive support, Mandarin relieves bloating and indigestion. β Mandarin also has wonderful calming and sedating properties…making it a cost effective and wonderful choice for diffusing in the bedroom at night. It will also support the immune system while you sleep! In traditional Chinese medicine, Mandarin is often used to balance energy flow within the body, and in ancient Chinese culture, was used during meditation and spiritual practices. Today, Mandarin is considered an auspicious gift during Chinese New Year, symbolizing wealth and prosperity.
Regular price: 15 ml $30 (Sale $18); 120 ml $210 (Sale $126)β β β β2. Melissa (Melissa officinalis) is one of the most powerful essential oils due to its anti-viral properties, as well as anti-microbial (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal) activity. Another excellent choice for skin health, Melissa reduces inflammation, easing conditions such as acne and eczema. Emotionally, Melissa helps lift one’s spirits and boost mood; cognitively, another great choice for the night-time diffuser, as she supports cognitive function and memory, and supports restful sleep. Melissa also supports hormonal function, and helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause, along with Geranium and Clary Sage. A little goes a long way with this powerhouse. β Culturally, Melissa, also known as Lemon Balm, has been used for centuries to support the immune system and calm the central nervous system. Swiss physician Paracelsus called Melissa “the Elixir of Life” in the 6th century. In the Greek language, Melissa means “honey bee”, a tribute to the plant’s ability to attract bees, who then produced sweet honey. Bees were considered sacred creatures and honey was used in sacred ceremonies as a concentrate of solar energy. βRegular Price: 2ml $85 (Sale $51)β β β3. Moena (Moena alcanforado) This beautiful oil has a cooling effect…more subtle than Peppermint, for example, but helps to reduce excess body temperature. It also helps to reduce inflammation in muscles and joints. Moena has a calming effect on the mind, soothing feelings of anger and irritation. β Indigenous people in Peru used Moena to cool the body and reduce fevers. The Amazonians used Moena in healing rituals. β This wild-crafted essential oil is a purification Deva whose soft, camphor aroma lifts layers of old guilt or sorrow.
Regular Price: 5 ml $34 (Sale $20); 15 ml $88 (Sale $53)
β β4. Molle (Schinus Molle) Highly anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, this oil represents a broad array of medicinal properties for the natural healer. It also protects the body from oxidative stress, and promotes the healing of wounds. β In terms of heart health, Molle is used to tone and balance heart function, much like Green Cardamom and Ylang Ylang. This beautiful oil also helps to ease pain…physical, emotional and spiritual. β In ancient times, it was used as a traditional medicine in South America. In Peru, the tree’s bright fruits, often called “Pink Peppercorns”, were used in Peruvian cuisine and in traditional medicine, as well as in spiritual rituals to promote healing and harmony.
Regular Price: 5 ml $25 (Sale $15); 15 ml $65 (Sale $39)
β β5. Monardo (Monardo fistulosa) Commonly known as Bee Balm or Wild Bergamot, Monarda essential oil offers many healing properties, including anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. In terms of respiratory support, this oil is widely used for colds, flu, sinus congestion and whooping cough. Excellent for use in diffusers. β Monarda is an antioxidant, protecting the body from oxidative stress. It also helps to reduce inflammation, so is a “go to” for arthritic joints. This EO supports digestion and offers pain relief, including joint pain and toothaches. Monarda also fights fatigue and overwhelm. β Historically, Native Americans, particularly the Oswego tribe, used Monarda to make herbal tea…thus another common name “Oswego Tea”. Many of the indigenous people also believed Monarda offered protection, both physical and energetic, and promoted healing. Monarda facilitates deep connection in the meditative state, enhancing spiritual awareness and promoting emotional healing. β The plant attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, and is a symbol of warmth, hospitality and harmony. βRegular Price: 5 ml $23 (Sale $14); 15 ml $60 (Sale $36)β β β β6. Mugwort (Artemesia herba alba) Also known as White Armoise, Mugwort is a powerful detoxifier, including parasites. Many anti-parasitic essential oils are hot in temperature, like Oregano or Mt. Savory, but Mugwort is quite gentle on the skin, an added plus. β Mugwort can be a stimulant, increasing appetite and energy levels. She provides relief from pain, including menstrual cramps. A digestive aid, Mugwort helps to relieve digestive stress and bloating. Liver support, psychological health, respiratory support and anti-inflammatory properties round out the full spectrum abilities of this ancient healer. β Traditionally, Mugwort has been used for centuries, especially in Europe and Asia, and in medieval times, was considered a protective herb against evil spirits and negative energies. Indigenous Americans used it to purify and cleanse sacred spaces. In folk magic, Mugwort was said to induce lucid dreaming and enhance psychic powers. βRegular Price: 15 ml $47 (Sale $28); 120 ml $329
β β7. Myrtle, Honey (Melaleuca teretifolia) This little-known Melaleuca is considered by some to be even more purifying than her better known cousin, Tea Tree, due to a higher citral content. She is an anti-bacterial powerhouse, and is a component of many natural cleaning products. Honey Myrtle, due to her amazing aroma and potent respiratory support, is a great pick for use in a diffuser. She is also effective at treating fungal infections. β Honey Myrtle calms the nerves and uplifts the spirits. We are blessed to have this artisan oil produced by a lovely family in Australia. They have literally put Honey Myrtle “on the map” in aromatherapy, making it much better known today than it was 10 years ago through their efforts to educate the aromatherapy community on the wonderful healing properties of this beautiful oil. β Indigenous Australians used Honey Myrtle as an “all around” natural medicine, and in some spiritual practices, she is used to cleanse and purify sacred spaces. βRegular Price: 5 ml $20 (Sale $12); 15 ml $52 (Sale $21)β β β β8. Mt. Savory (Albania. Satureja montana) This beautiful oil is a “go to” for viral-based respiratory issues, bacterial infections, and fungal infections. Our clients depend upon her greatly for support for the flu and bronchitis. Because she is a hot oil…she can burn the skin if applied without a more gentle oil beneath her…for that reason, I recommend that she be applied to the soles of the feet, as the bottoms of the feet can handle just about any temperature oil, and the feet are great receptors, so it is a “win-win” situation. Just remember to wash your hands well after applying, so you do not get any oil residue in your eyes or other sensitive areas. β Mt. Savory is also great as an immune system tonic. Again, application on the bottoms of the feet are the easiest and safest way to to access her powerful medicine. β In ancient Rome, Mt. Savory was highly regarded for aiding digestion. Spiritually, Mt. Savory is used to release the need for control and for opening the heart to one’s true essence…this may be why she is also known as a physical and emotional aphrodisiac. But don’t get carried away, lol…applying to the bottoms of the feet will work for this as well. β βRegular Price: 5 ml $17 (Sale $10); 15 ml $44 (Sale $26);
Nut & Seed Oilsβ β1. Maqui Berry (Aristotelia Chilensis) Extracted from the seeds of the Maqui Berry, this oil is a potent elixir packed with health benefits and steeped in rich historical significance. The vibrant purple berries, native to the pristine regions of Southern Chile, have become known as a true “superfood” for your skin and overall well-being. β Rich in antioxidants, which protect the skin from environmental damage and the effects of aging, Maqui Berry was revered by the Mapuche Indians for imbuing them with resilience and endurance. The anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritated skin and help to manage conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. This oil is perfect for dry and sensitive skin types. It also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits, so it is helpful for boosting the immune system. I like to put a teaspoon of Maqui Berry oil in my smoothies for general health support.
Please Note: Nut and Seed oils do not have as long a shelf-life as essential oils, so please store away from extreme heat or cold.
Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $68 (Sale $40); 500 ml $250 (Sale $150)
Hydrolatsβ β1. Melissa (Melissa officinalis) This is the “hydrolat version” of Melissa, one of our most powerful essential oils, also in this promotion. The hydrolat is a byproduct of the distillation process and is a powerful healer in her own right! β Wonderful for spraying on cold sores and inflammation-based skin conditions like eczema and acne. Due to her anti-septic properties and her ability to induce relaxation, Melissa hydrolat is great for spraying massage rooms between clients, or exam rooms between patients. β In ancient times, some spiritual traditions recognized Melissa’s ability to harmonize body and soul, and activate the heart. Set your intention and spray around your body and over your heart to benefit from her gifts.
Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $33 (Sale $20); 500ml $130 (Sale $78)
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